2024年12月24日 18:30
세종대학교 대양채임버홀
Stephanie kwak / 导师
韩裔美国长笛演奏家 Stephanie Kwak 博士
Stephanie Kwak在就读首尔国际学校期间,作为首尔艺术殿堂英才学院的选拔学生,从小就踏上了音乐之旅。随后进入茱莉亚音乐学院学习,并完成了本科和研究生课程。在攻读硕士学位期间,担任学生大使并担任室内乐统筹指导。同时她在哥伦比亚大学攻读法国文学继续她的学术追求。之后她获得了纽约州立大学石溪分校的音乐艺术博士学位,作为 Carol Wincenc 教授的助理,她全权负责指导本科生的专业实践训练,从那时起,她对培养年轻学生的研究和热情就一直持续着。
Dr. Stephanie Kwak, a Korean-American flutist, embarked on her musical journey at a young age as a selected student at the Seoul Arts Center Prodigy Academy while attending Seoul International School. She then proceeded to study at The Juilliard School, where she completed both her undergraduate and graduate programs. During her master's degree, she served as a Student Ambassador and worked as a Chamber Music Coordinator. Simultaneously, she pursued studies in French Literature at Columbia University. Continuing her academic pursuits, she earned her Doctor of Musical Arts degree from the State University of New York at Stony Brook, achieving a notable accomplishment with a top score for her lecture recital on Schubert, reflecting her dedication and commitment to continuous improvement. As an assistant to Professor Carol Wincenc, Stephanie Kwak discovered her passion for education while teaching undergraduate students at the State University of New York.
Dr. Kwak performed as a soloist with the Berliner Symphoniker at the Berlin Philharmonic Hall and made her debut at Carnegie Hall. Her concerto debut at Lincoln Center’s David Geffen Hall with the Juilliard Symphony Orchestra for Pierre Boulez’ Tribute Concert marked a significant milestone. International concerto appearances include performances with the Ukraine Symphony Orchestra, Lutoslawski Chamber Philharmonic Orchestra, Llria City of Music International Orchestra, and various other esteemed ensembles.
Burkart Artist Dr. Kwak is actively involved in musical organizations, serving as a directorate member of the Korea Flute Association, IAF Art Foundation, and The Korea’s Children Center, where she also conducts and serves as the program director of the youth orchestra. As an artist represented by LLTV music management, she is expected to release various recordings with new programs in the upcoming season.
张悦佳 韩国世宗大学长笛演奏博士在读。
先后师从于河南师范大学曹真臻老师;中国长笛联合会副秘书长、湖北省长笛学会会长、武汉音乐学院管弦系主任徐戈教授;武汉音乐学院硕士生导师章滨副教授;理论师从邓军老师;博士导师Stephanie Kwak教授,曾跟随茱莉亚音乐学院长笛教授Carol Wincenc学习。
河南师范大学优秀毕业生、武汉音乐学院优秀硕士毕业生。2019 年以专业第一名的成绩考入武汉音乐学院攻读长笛硕士学位。曾被授予“中华人民共和国教育部研究生国家奖学金”,并多次获得“研究生一等学业奖学金”、“研究生单项专业奖学金”。获武汉音乐学院 “2021学院杯”长笛组二等奖、“首届川陕鄂音乐学院优才计划研究生专业技能展演奖”。连续两年被武汉音乐学院共青团委评选为“志愿服务先进个人”。韩国민현全国音乐大赛长笛青年组第一名。韩国2023VMP年末大奖赛长笛青年组金奖。第五届韩国长笛协会大赛青年组第一名。
2020 年 11 月随武汉音乐学院东方交响乐团在武汉琴台音乐厅举办“我爱你,中国”武汉音乐学院抗疫主题交响合唱音乐会。
2020 年 12 月参与武汉音乐学院三全育人综合改革试点项目“管弦系党员学长计划”红色经典音乐会。